Monday 22 October 2012

Afternoon Sickness?

I have,in previous pregnancies,experienced the odd bout of nausea in the mornings but it was usually triggered by the smell of fried food or stale cigarette smoke.As I type I'm suffering from a real bout of dizziness and nausea when I all I did was a gentle and rather slow stroll down the local shop which is less than half a mile away!
The thing with this pregnancy is this is the first time I've been expecting that I've had internet access!So before I had a couple of pregnancy books and experience to look upon but now?Oh boy!I have a whole world of information at my fingertips.
Googling pregnancy nausea tells me the tried and trusted methods of relief are ginger,acupressure at the wrist and frequent rest are still  on most peoples lists.What I didn't know is that sometimes the smell from the zest of lemon or fresh apples can help-it is advised one seeks out bath produsts or moisturisers with these scents or maybe grating the zest of lemon onto a piece of muslin and keep it handy,inhaling whenever a wave of nausea overtakes.
For the moment Im going to have myself a glass of water and a mint and lay down for fifteen minutes.It used to do the trick-lets hope it still works!

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