Friday 26 October 2012

Reading Material.

Regarding the previous post about stress during pregnancy,here is a link to an article that may be of value.
Prevent Chronic Stress During Pregnancy.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Family Issues.

Today I'm unhappy.
I've fallen out with a family member and I'm a little shell-shocked by what felt like a verbal ambush.However I'm not going to dwell on this but I have taken the opportunity to find out how stress can affect a mum-to-be at such an early stage.
Stress causes our bodies to release hormones in response to the threat that the body perceives - the higher the stress level, the more hormones our body produces. Since we all handle stress differently, an overwhelming situation for one may be easily dealt with by another.However those hormones can affect the babies developing brain,hardwiring it to accept those stress hormone.One should practice relaxation techniques when possible and of course,try to avoid stressful situations!
HIgh stress situations have a risk of miscarriage in early pregnancy,up to 80% more chance of it,which is a shockingly high statistic.I think from what I'm reading that nothing is worth getting so stressed out over,and the more I'm thinking I should let this argument go.Just typing this is allowing my stress levels to go down and reading is definitely helping my anger subside.I'm still a little unhappy of course but I'm thinking positive thoughts and as I say,I'm not going to dwell on the situation.
I actually feel a lot better.My partner is a tower of strength,which helps.
Lesson learnt-avoid stress where possible and if those levels rise,just breathe steadily and deeply,close your eyes,and let it go.

Monday 22 October 2012

Afternoon Sickness?

I have,in previous pregnancies,experienced the odd bout of nausea in the mornings but it was usually triggered by the smell of fried food or stale cigarette smoke.As I type I'm suffering from a real bout of dizziness and nausea when I all I did was a gentle and rather slow stroll down the local shop which is less than half a mile away!
The thing with this pregnancy is this is the first time I've been expecting that I've had internet access!So before I had a couple of pregnancy books and experience to look upon but now?Oh boy!I have a whole world of information at my fingertips.
Googling pregnancy nausea tells me the tried and trusted methods of relief are ginger,acupressure at the wrist and frequent rest are still  on most peoples lists.What I didn't know is that sometimes the smell from the zest of lemon or fresh apples can help-it is advised one seeks out bath produsts or moisturisers with these scents or maybe grating the zest of lemon onto a piece of muslin and keep it handy,inhaling whenever a wave of nausea overtakes.
For the moment Im going to have myself a glass of water and a mint and lay down for fifteen minutes.It used to do the trick-lets hope it still works!

Another Wish Come True.

So I've recently found out that I'm pregnant again.It's not the first time but this time is different because this time -
*I am over the age of 40.
*My other children have all grown up.The youngest being at high school.
*My partner is not the father to my other children.
*My partner is twenty years younger than me.
*Previously I have had mental health issues.

I thought that it would be interesting to start a blog that I will keep as this pregnancy progresses so I can share key moments and any problems that may arise during it.This is the first blog I've ever written so please forgive me should my style of writing be dull or, worse than that,unfathomable.
Welcome to my world for the next eight months.